The Tender Gardener


Isaiah 27:3 – “I the LORD do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day.”

Have you seen a gardener at work? He is hardy, sitting in the dirt under a blazing sun… but he tends each plant with such delicate care. His fingers may be dirty and his palms cracked, but through his handiwork, the most beautiful flowers bloom. The gardener may be nicked by thorns and briers but he doesn’t give up on his plant. He might be ruthless in pruning unfruitful branches, but it does help the plant’s overall growth.

In today’s verse, the Lord likens Himself to a gardener. He waters us spiritually through His Word and helps us grow. He keeps watch over us night and day. With His bruised body and pierced hands, He brings us into closer communion with Him. Through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, we have access to a heavenly kingdom that we don’t really deserve.

Just as a good gardener, the Lord sometimes prunes us. He removes a few things from our lives and disciplines us, so we can have a richer walk with Him. If you’re feeling disheartened and neglected, don’t give up hope. The Lord is working on you. He will make your life blossom and emit a beautiful fragrance for His glory.