Obedience for protection


Proverbs 1:33:  But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.

The secret to dwelling in safety and living fearless is obeying God and listening to Him.  Solomon, the author of Proverbs, understood this well enough.  God inspired him to write this, and there is no shadow of doubt in it.

The world is not a safe place to live anymore.  Newspapers carry lot of things that we don’t want to read or see.  News channels are flooded with scariest news ever.  Social media like FB and Whatsapp circulates horrifying and true stories of innocent people being shot or killed.  This is the world that we live in right now, but God’s word says that whoever listens to God shall dwell safely and shall be quiet from fear of evil.  His word says in Psalm 91:7 says “A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.  Yes, God protects His children who obey Him and hearken to His voice.  When the firstborn in Egypt were dying in the final plaque, none of God’s people were harmed.  They were saved because they obeyed God by sprinkling the blood of the lamb on their doorposts and lintels.  God saved His people and He still does.  It just takes obedience to live or dwell safely in the land that He has planted us.

Take God at His word.  He never breaks His promise if you obey Him wholeheartedly.  God is faithful to keep every promise He has made concerning you.