Do you know your calling?


Mark 1:17:  And Jesus said unto them, come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.

Jesus said to Simon and his brother, Andrew to follow Him.  They left their all and followed Him immediately.  They had no idea where they were going.  They just went behind Jesus ready to become fishers of men.

Jesus’ disciples did not immediately start fishing for people.  They spent 3.5 years with Him and yet did not heal anyone or do mighty acts except for baptizing some.  They saw Jesus pray, Jesus work, Jesus heal the sick, Jesus mingle with the outcasts and downtrodden of society.  It was a training period for them.  They were fully equipped to carry out the mission that they were called for.  They shook nations upside down and brought the right side up, though they were just ordinary fishermen from around Galilee.  They trusted Jesus, the carpenter-turned Saviour. They never doubted their calling while putting their profession behind because the one who called them was trustworthy.  After Jesus ascended into heaven and after the Holy Spirit came down upon them, they were transformed as burning torches for Jesus.  One powerful message and 3000 people gave their lives to God, another message and 5000 got saved.  They were filled with the power of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

What did it take for them to become fishers of men from being ordinary fishermen? It just took obedience to their calling and trust in Jesus.  If God has called you for a specific purpose, obey the calling and trust the Caller.  There may not be great signs and wonders as a confirmation of your purpose, but if you continue to follow and be with Him despite the storm and the sharp criticisms, you will one day see the purpose of your calling and the promise of your calling being fulfilled in your life.